Saturday, June 4, 2011

LONG TIME NO SEE... or post.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I haven't posted in like 15 years!!!!! UGG! There is really nothing new going on but I am going to meandhome's b-day party! It will be AWESOME! Also you have probably notice I changed my title to my motto, Feel The Moment-Love The Moment.:] I WILL be taking pictures at meandhome's b-day party because my camera is fixed now! If you don't know both of my cameras haven't been working but both are now! The whole thing of meanndhome's (I'm call her Jules now) b-day is we are having dinner then watching a movie in our pj's ad there will be ice cream and a donut making machine! YAHOO! ~Maranda <3 (I can know say my first name!)


  1. Yes i saw the video about your cameras not working, but didn't you like LOVE my b d dat party?!?!?!? Can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. You rock Maranda! Do you know that?!?!?!?!?!?!? Haha. BFF!

  3. Oh b.t.w that last one was posted by me, Jules!


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