Saturday, May 7, 2011

Drama is Everywhere!

So over the past weeks, I have had much drama. I know most people have had drama before. There are people who only want to hang out with one person, which is the best friend, or there are people who want to hang out with everyone and have MANY best friends. The thing about have many best friends is that it comes down to drama. No one wants drama and in the 4th grade, there is a lot! I want to stop drama with friends! Never try to make drama or it will just come down to losing your friends. Please don't cause or get into drama or you will have some problems in relationships with friends. Thanks for not causing drama! ~Forever <3


  1. you think it's hard in 4th grade! well, let me tell you that's just the beginning! once you get to fifth grade it gets worse. YOU WILL LOSE ALL OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS FOR NO REASON. you will either move on or they will. and it's hard to find a new one and when you finally do they will switch schools!

  2. HA HA i am anonymous no one knows who i am (except for Forever) don't tell! hee heee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tell me and about it! Seriouly! Drama here Drama there! WHEN WILL IT END?!?!?!

  4. And yes, I TOTALLY agree with anonymous (you shold really put your real first name:)) it does get harder, I'm in a fourth grade fifth grade split I HEAR SO MUCH DRAMA IN THAT LITTLE GROUP!

  5. I no! K. G. is always whispering to K. N. about me and u and caawesomegirl!

  6. drama drama drama stay ouy if it! and don't get a boyfriend till high school i have friend who made that mistake. WAIT! is jules short for julliet

  7. drama drama drama! stay away from it! and don't get a boyfrirnd untill high school i have friends who made that mistake. WAIT is JULES short for julluet?

  8. hey my a. L. better not b but still it sucks and waist of time when you fight. and wo is kg and k watever plus cawsome girls ist taht nikkilodian

  9. alexa is one anonymos but there's another hee hee forever knows who i am :)

  10. idk... maranda should i put my first name get rid of the mystery of anonymous?

  11. if you want there is a lot of people who have your name so it wont really matter!

  12. what?!?!? who knows my real name and im not alexa im a fith grader

  13. No one "knows" your name just many people in the world have the same name so yo would be safe and stuff you should. (inless you like your name now!)

  14. ok the mystery of anonymous is over today i told jules my name so i am going to put it from now on!!!!!

    -McKenzie =]


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