Friday, October 7, 2011


This is a touchy subject but I know EVERYONE got bullied once in their life and I just want to put it out there that if you bully someone you might ruin a perfectly good life and maybe even more. Some people have done suicide because of bully and I don't want anyone else to be feeling like they need to leave their life for something that is someone else's fault. Never feel like you need to die to make someone happy.Never hate your life. That person that bullied you will hate themselves after you are gone and just know that, deep down in a bully's heart, they really just are jealous or actually like you. Cyber bullying is the same. I just want to let everyone know that I love them. Even though they might be annoying or not friendly I still will love them because everyone is just like you in a different body. I hope everyone really listened (or read ) what I need to say because it will really make a differences!

I   H a t e    S c h o o l
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I  H a t e  L i f e
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I  H a t e   M y s e l f
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Never Listen To Bullying.

<3 With Much Love ~ Maranda =]


  1. I know what u mean

    When I was younger I got bullied. And a few years ago another girl in my grade threatened to kill me!!!! I ran away though and got a teacher the girl went to the princalbals office. The teacher explained about a 9 YEAR OLD girl who killed herself because of bullinging. Which was ironic necause I was 9 when this happened.

  2. Tru dat!
    -Jules from


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